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Excursion - Agroforestry systems in Bohemia

Agroforestry systems in Bohemia, Czech Republic. Tour of four various farms including research plots, forest & poplar plantation pastures, silvopastoral systems and permaculture vegetable farm.

In case of any questions, please contact excursion garant Zuzana Špaková (

The excursion will be held from 15 registered participants

Price: 190 €

Price includes: fee includes transfer, Saturday lunch and dinner, accommodation, Sunday breakfast and lunch, guide services

For post conference study visit please register here


Saturday, 1st June

8:00 Departure from Mendel University, Brno

Morning Refarma, Lidmaň

AfternoonJelen z Misek Farm, Miskovice

Permafarma Jagava, Veselice

Accommodation Permafarma Jagava + nearby B&B

Sunday, 2nd June

MorningPermafarma Jagava

The Silva Tarouca Research Institute, Průhonice

AfternoonThe Silva Tarouca Research Institute, Průhonice

16:00 Arrival in Prague, main station

18:30 Arrival in Brno


Refarma, Lidmaň 

Transformation of  57 ha of forests, grassland and fast growing plantations into silvopastoral agroforestry systems.

Jelen z Misek, Miskovice

Cherry orchard grazed by deers, sheep and guanako. 

Permafarma Jagava, Veselice

Permaculture farm and CSA produce vegetables and fruits in silvoarable systems.


VÚKOZ Průhonice - Michovky experimental station

(Silva Tarouca Research Institute for landscape and ornamental gardening) 


Long-term research of agroforestry systems

Main research topics: yields and quality of trees and crops in AFS; ecosystem services of AFS (biodiversity, soil fertility and microclimate; erosion control); agrivoltaics in AFS and on farm (drying experiment of biomass).

Site: Slightly dry - warmer region (544mm; 9,5⁰ C) with fertile but heavier brown soil, rainfed conditions for trees.  

AF plantations: 3 experimental silvoarable agroforestry plantations (1, 4, 18 years old; 2 ha) and short rotation coppice (4 ha); trees include linden, maple, poplar, willow, rowan/service tree, wild cherry, chesnut, Turkish hazel, morus/mulberry; annual food crops (in last 4 years): wheat, barley, pea, rape, potatoes; permanent crops: horse-radish, raspberry.  

Walk with researchers and on-hand presentation of results of AFS experiments and monitoring (4 years of AFS and >20 years SRC)


barley harvest in AFS                               Erosion control experiment in AFS (2023)

with agrovoltaics (2023)


All inclusive Study visit weekend Slovakia


This route will take you to explore both modern and traditional agroforestry just over the border. You will receive the full package of systems in various natural conditions, from extremely dry sandy sites to grazing in floodplain forests. Both modern and traditional approaches were applied in order to gain the most environmentally and economically. The excursion will be guided by EURAF delegates Anna Maria and Lazlo from the Slovak Agroforestry Association together with colleagues from the BROZ Conservation Association, the Fruit Tree association and farmers from Sanagro company. 


Fruit tree - cherishing tradition

An unconventional tree nursery using (not only) agroforestry practices for fruit tree production and soil regeneration: mixed cropping, cover crops, multi-storey systems. Since 2012, the nursery has been intensively involved in preserving the diversity of old fruit varieties, land races of fruit trees and  practical landscape conservation. The nursery itself focuses on sale of fruit trees grown locally and without using pesticides and insecticides. They are also closely collaborating with NGOs and academia in promoting the traditional growing of fruit trees in the landscape. In cooperation with NGO Fruit treasure of the White Carpathians they established a 12 ha pasture orchard, where they promote organic fruit production. The main reason for the creation of "Fruit Tree" was in response to the demand for planting long-lived fruit trees on quality rootstocks, education in the field of fruit tree pruning. The intention is to bring functionality back to landscapes and gardens by designing and implementing quality plantings of long-lived fruit trees and providing expert fruit tree care. 

The team of enthusiasts is engaged in practical pomology, working to discover the names of varieties, collecting grafts from parent trees and grafting them back onto long-standing rootstocks from seed. 


Húšky - Sanagro company - hi-tech eggs

3 years old agrosilvopastoral system with 1750 laying hens in a fully automated mobile house and various tree species: poplars, elms, black locust. Wind exposed site where trees are used for improvement of microclimate, animal welfare and therefore more stable egg production than in conventional systems. Since there is high demand for agroforestry eggs, the farmers cooperative is planning to extend the production by establishment of a new plot. The Záhorská lowland, where the farm is located, is typical of light sandy soils, with challenging conditions - extreme wet periods alternate with extremely dry periods. Sand in the deeper horizons is interspersed with layers of clay. Despite these conditions, the cooperative managed to develop profitable systems able to compete with farmers in highly productive areas. 

The owners will be happy to share their know-how with you in the form of an expert lecture with the main advisor and a practical tour of the farm. 


Pannonian grove - protection and production hand in hand

Restoration of grazing in floodplain forest - woodland: the Pannonian Grove. One of the last preserved grazed woodland in Slovakia. Originally oak-birch-ash forest on poor soils. Grazing and pollarding evidenced in historic maps by the presence of oaks with low height and large trunk circumferences (over 3 meters). Reintroduction of grazing took place as part of the LIFE project of the non-profit organisation BROZ in 2018. protection level 4, next to Šúr primaeval forest - 5th level of protection. The excursion will also continue to the the stands in the Šúr National Reserve, which represent the largest complex of alder swamp forests in Slovakia and are also unique in Central Europe. The oldest stands, with an average age of 105 to 120 years, have a forest-like character and are predominantly in the optimum stage. There is an abundance of dead wood in varying stages of decay, coarse trees and also trees close to physical age on the site. These are mainly alders, which reach extraordinary dimensions (up to 300 cm in circumference). The diverse range of different habitats creates scope for great diversity, including a number of highly specialised rare and endangered species tied to wetland habitats and dead wood.


In case of any questions, please contact excursion garant Anna Mária Mittrová (

The excursion will be held from 10 registered participants

Price: 290 €

Price includes: fee includes transfer, accommodation, half-board, guide services

For post conference study visit please register here